Proposal-Worthy Chicken Delight


Proposal-Worthy Chicken Delight


  • 6 Chicken Thighs
  • Customize seasonings to your preference:
    • Onion powder
    • Garlic powder
    • Cajun seasoning
    • Pepper
    • Paprika
    • Italian herbs
    • Olive oil


  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 2 Tbsp fresh minced Garlic
  • 1/2 cup Chicken broth
  • 1/3 cup Heavy whipping cream
  • Sun-dried Tomatoes
  • 1 Tbsp White cooking wine
  • 1/2 cup Fresh Shredded Parmesan or Italian cheese
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Italian herbs


  1. Season and Sear:

    • Season both sides of the chicken thighs to your liking with a blend of onion powder, garlic powder, Cajun
      seasoning, pepper, paprika, and Italian herbs.
    • Pan-sear the seasoned chicken thighs in a skillet with olive oil until golden brown on both sides. Transfer
      them to a separate pan.
  2. Prepare the Sauce:

    • In the same skillet used for searing, initiate the sauce by adding butter and minced garlic. Cook for
      approximately 3 minutes until the garlic is fragrant.
    • Introduce chicken broth, sun-dried tomatoes, and whipping cream to the skillet.
    • Season the sauce to perfection and let it simmer. Gradually stir in fresh shredded Parmesan or Italian cheese
      until a creamy consistency is achieved.
  3. Bake to Perfection:

    • Pour the luscious sauce over the seared chicken thighs.
    • Bake the ensemble in the oven for 30-35 minutes at 400 degrees, allowing the flavors to meld and the chicken
      to cook to succulent perfection.
  4. Serve with Elegance:

    • Present this culinary masterpiece over a bed of velvety mashed potatoes for a truly delightful dining

Indulge in the magic of “Marry Me Chicken” – a dish so exquisite, it might just prompt a marriage proposal.
Elevate your dining moments with this symphony of flavors that dance on your palate with every blissful bite.

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