Potato Rolls Stuffed with Cabbage and Cheese

Potato Rolls with Cabbage and Cheese Filling

Potato Rolls with Cabbage and Cheese Filling

Indulge in the delectable harmony of flavors with these Potato Rolls filled with a savory combination of cabbage and cheese. Elevate your dining experience by combining the richness of potatoes and cheese with the crisp freshness of cabbage and other vegetables. For those seeking a vegetarian alternative, simply omit the bacon without compromising on taste. Follow this meticulously crafted recipe to create a culinary masterpiece that will leave your taste buds singing praises.


  • 3 potatoes (700 grams/24.7 oz), peeled and thinly sliced
  • 700 grams (24.7 oz) cabbage, finely chopped
  • 200 grams (7 oz) cheese, grated
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 carrot, grated
  • A bunch of spring onions, chopped
  • 100 grams (3.5 oz) bacon (optional), chopped
  • Salt and black pepper, to taste
  • Sunflower oil, for frying


Prepare the Filling:

  1. In a spacious skillet, heat a dash of sunflower oil over medium heat. Sauté the chopped onion and grated carrot until they soften.
  2. For bacon enthusiasts, add the chopped bacon to the skillet and cook until it crisps up.
  3. Introduce the finely chopped cabbage to the skillet, seasoning with salt and pepper. Cook until the cabbage achieves a tender, slightly caramelized texture. Remove from heat and allow it to cool slightly.
  4. Incorporate the chopped spring onions and grated cheese into the cabbage mixture. Set aside.

Assemble the Potato Rolls:

  1. Arrange the potato slices on a clean surface, slightly overlapping them to form a base for the rolls.
  2. Spoon a generous portion of the cabbage and cheese filling onto one end of the potato layer.
  3. Carefully roll up the potatoes around the filling, securing them with toothpicks if needed.

Cook the Potato Rolls:

  1. Heat sunflower oil in a large frying pan over medium heat.
  2. Place the potato rolls seam-side down in the pan. Cook until the potatoes develop a golden-brown hue on all sides and are thoroughly cooked, ensuring even cooking by turning them carefully.


  1. Once cooked, transfer the potato rolls from the pan to a paper towel to absorb any excess oil.
  2. Serve warm, accompanied by a dollop of sour cream or your preferred dipping sauce.


Savor the delightful fusion of flavors presented by these Potato Rolls with Cabbage and Cheese Filling. Offering a tantalizing departure from conventional fare, this dish embodies both heartiness and taste. Whether seeking a novel approach to potato dishes or craving a comforting meal bursting with flavor, these potato rolls are an ideal choice. Revel in the crisp exterior, gooey cheese, and savory filling with each bite, as this dish earns its rightful place among your culinary favorites.

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