Mozzarella Cheese Slices

Mozzarella Cheese Slices

Mozzarella Cheese Slices


  • 4 large ripe tomatoes, chopped
  • 200 ml grated mozzarella
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • Fresh arugula leaves (optional, for added variety)


  1. Prepare the Ingredients: Begin by arranging alternating slices of tomato and mozzarella on a large, lightly padded plate. For added flavor and texture, consider sprinkling fresh arugula leaves between the layers.
  2. Add Fresh Basil: Place whole basil leaves between the tomato and mozzarella slices. The basil will enhance the dish with its freshness and aromatic flavor, complementing the mozzarella perfectly.
  3. Dressing: Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the assembled ingredients. Add a splash of balsamic vinegar to create a delightful contrast of flavors that brings the dish together harmoniously.
  4. Season: Sprinkle with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Use seasoning sparingly to allow the natural flavors of the tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil to shine through.
  5. Serve: Present the dish immediately as a refreshing starter or a side dish. This Caprese salad showcases the versatility of mozzarella cheese, transforming simple ingredients into a healthy and delicious meal.

Final Tips:

When using mozzarella slices in your recipes, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Store mozzarella properly in the refrigerator and take it out just before use to ensure maximum freshness.
  • Experiment with different slice sizes to achieve the perfect melt and texture for your dish.
  • Pay attention to the saltiness of the mozzarella when seasoning your dish to maintain the ideal flavor balance.

Mozzarella cheese slices are more than just a garnish; they add a gourmet touch to everyday meals. Their versatility and melt-in-your-mouth quality make them a staple in any kitchen, suitable for both novice cooks and experienced chefs.

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