Mixed Grill Experience

The Ultimate Mixed Grill Experience

The Ultimate Mixed Grill Experience


  • 2 Portuguese chorizo sausages
  • 4 chicken thighs
  • 4 lamb chops
  • 4 filet mignon steaks
  • 2 lemons, halved
  • 1 cup of chimichurri sauce
  • 1 cup of mango salsa
  • 1 cup of kimchi
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Chopped fresh mint for garnish


  1. Allow the meat to reach room temperature for approximately an hour before grilling. Season the chicken, lamb, and filets generously with salt and pepper, ensuring the seasoning is rubbed into the meat. Halve the lemons.
  2. Preheat the barbecue to 500°F. Turn off the heat source on one side of the barbecue, reserving it for indirect grilling. Grill each type of meat to your preferred level of doneness, starting with the sausages, which should take about 6 minutes. Grill the lemon halves, cut-side down, for approximately 5 minutes. Once cooked, transfer the sausages to a serving platter and lightly cover with foil to retain warmth while grilling the remaining meats.
  3. Grill the chicken thighs for 8 minutes or until fully cooked, then transfer to the foil-covered platter. Cook the lamb chops for 6 minutes for medium-rare or 8 minutes for well-done, then transfer to the serving platter. Finish by grilling the filet mignon for 2 minutes per side for medium-rare or 3 minutes per side for well-done.
  4. Arrange the cooked meats attractively on the serving platter alongside the grilled lemons. Sprinkle with chopped mint for a fresh garnish. Serve with your favorite side dishes and suggested condiments for a truly memorable dining experience.

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