Exquisite Prime Rib Recipe

Exquisite Prime Rib Recipe

Exquisite Prime Rib Recipe


  • 2 beef ribs, approximately 800 g each
  • 2 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • 2 sprigs of fragrant rosemary
  • 6-8 tbsp. high-quality olive oil
  • 1 cup freshly ground black pepper
  • A pinch of sea salt


For the perfect seasoning of your prime rib, start by coarsely crushing the black pepper. Peel the thyme and rosemary, then finely chop half of the rosemary. Place the beef ribs in a deep dish, generously sprinkle them with thyme, rosemary, and cracked black pepper. Drizzle the olive oil over the ribs, ensuring an even coating, and let them marinate for approximately 30 minutes.

While the flavors meld, don’t forget to fire up your barbecue. Once the embers are ready, position the ribs on the grill, setting it about 8 cm above the embers. Grill the meat for approximately 7 minutes on each side for a rare doneness. Adjust the cooking time accordingly for a medium or well-cooked preference.

The result is a meticulously seasoned prime rib, grilled to perfection. Indulge in the culinary masterpiece you’ve created. Bon appétit!

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