Exquisite Cucumber Bites with Herb-Infused Cream Cheese and Cherry Tomatoes

Exquisite Cucumber Bites with Herb-Infused Cream Cheese and Cherry Tomatoes

Exquisite Cucumber Bites with Herb-Infused Cream Cheese and Cherry Tomatoes


  • 4 Ounces (1 Brick) Softened Cream Cheese
  • 1/4 Cup Ranch Dressing (Hidden Valley works wonders)
  • 2 TBS Dill (Thyme is an excellent alternative)
  • 3-4 Long Cucumbers, skinned and sliced into thirty 1-inch pieces
  • 15 Cherry Tomatoes, halved
  • Additional Salt (to taste, a little goes a long way)
  • Additional Herb Sprinkle (matching the Cream Cheese blend) for Garnish
  • Optional: Paprika OR Cajun Spice Mix for Garnish (providing an extra kick if using the Cajun Mix)


  1. Begin by crafting the HERB CREAM CHEESE. In a stand mixer, blend the softened Cream Cheese with Ranch dressing and herbs until thoroughly combined. Spoon the mixture into a piping bag with a star tip.
  2. Prepare the Cucumbers by removing the peel, scoring the sides with a fork, and slicing them into 1-inch pieces. Utilize a melon baller to create a half-moon crater on one side of each cucumber piece.
  3. Pipe the Herb Cream Cheese into the crater, allowing it to extend about 1/2 inch above the top.
  4. Nestle a halved Cherry Tomato into the Herb Cream Cheese, partially buried for a delightful presentation.
  5. Sprinkle additional salt, herbs, and spice mix for enhanced color. Chill the bites in the fridge until ready to serve.
  6. Serve these delectable bites chilled and savor the experience!

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