Delicious Savory Dumplings with Cheese: A Quick and Easy Recipe

Delicious Savory Dumplings with Cheese: A Quick and Easy Recipe

Delicious Savory Dumplings with Cheese: A Quick and Easy Recipe

Hello everyone! Today, let’s delve into the realm of culinary simplicity with a delightful recipe for Savory Dumplings. Grab your pen and paper as we explore the ingredients and steps required to create these mouthwatering treats.


  • 500 grams of cassava
  • 300 grams of mozzarella cheese (or your preferred cheese)
  • 1 ½ tablespoons of butter
  • Parsley, chives, cilantro, or seasoning of choice (to taste)


  1. Begin by thoroughly washing, peeling, and cooking the cassava until it reaches a soft consistency. Transfer the cooked cassava to a bowl and add the butter, mashing it until you achieve a smooth puree.
  2. Season the mixture to your liking, ensuring the flavors are well incorporated. Add parsley, chives, cilantro, or any desired seasoning to enhance the taste. Mix until you attain a dough-like consistency that is moldable.
  3. Take portions of the dough and stuff them with mozzarella cheese, ensuring they are sealed tightly to prevent any leakage during frying.
  4. Heat oil in a pan and carefully fry the dumplings until they turn golden brown, ensuring they are cooked evenly on all sides.
  5. Once cooked, transfer the dumplings onto paper towels to drain excess oil.
  6. Serve these delectable savory dumplings hot with homemade mayonnaise or your favorite dipping sauce for a delightful culinary experience.

Enjoy the simplicity and flavor of these savory dumplings, perfect for any occasion or mealtime!

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