Delicious Lemon Wrinkle Cookies

Delicious Lemon Wrinkle Cookies

Delicious Lemon Wrinkle Cookies 😋


  • 100g butter
  • 90g sugar
  • 300g flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 egg
  • Lemon juice and zest
  • Powdered sugar
  • Granulated sugar


  1. Beat the egg and dice the butter.
  2. Incorporate lemon juice and zest.
  3. Gradually add salt, baking powder, and flour.
  4. Knead, shape the cookies, and coat them with granulated and powdered sugar.
  5. Bake at 180°C for a delectable 20 minutes.

Additional Tips for Perfect Lemon Wrinkle Cookies

If you want to take your lemon wrinkle cookies to the next level, consider these additional tips:

  1. For an extra burst of citrus flavor, add a bit more lemon zest to the dough.
  2. Experiment with different shapes and sizes to create a visually appealing assortment of cookies.
  3. Allow the cookie dough to chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before baking for enhanced texture.
  4. Serve the cookies with a refreshing glass of iced lemon tea for a delightful combination.

By incorporating these tips, you’ll elevate your lemon wrinkle cookies and make them an even more delightful treat for any occasion.

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