Delight in the Culinary Extravaganza of Slow Cooker Garlic Butter Beef Bites & Potatoes

Delight in the Culinary Extravaganza of Slow Cooker Garlic Butter Beef Bites & Potatoes

Delight in the Culinary Extravaganza of Slow Cooker Garlic Butter Beef Bites & Potatoes


  • 2 pounds of premium beef stew meat
  • 5 tablespoons of meticulously sliced butter
  • 1 pound of petite baby yellow potatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon of finely chopped garlic
  • 2 teaspoons of seasoned salt


  1. Begin by evenly layering the premium beef stew meat at the base of the slow cooker.
  2. Sprinkle the meat with a blend of onion powder, garlic powder, and seasoned salt. Ensure a thorough mix to infuse the meat with delectable flavors.
  3. Strategically position the baby potatoes on one side of the slow cooker, creating a balanced composition with the beef.
  4. Gracefully distribute sliced butter over the ensemble, following suit with the finely chopped garlic.
  5. Lid the slow cooker and let it work its culinary magic on low heat for 6-8 hours, or until the beef attains a mouthwatering tenderness and the potatoes are perfectly cooked.
  6. Before serving, gently stir the elements together, allowing the flavors to meld seamlessly.

Relish in the sublime experience of the Slow Cooker Garlic Butter Beef Bites & Potatoes recipe, paired with your preferred side dishes. Revel in the succulence of the meat, the tenderness of the potatoes, and the rich infusion of the garlic butter sauce. This hassle-free culinary masterpiece promises an absolutely mouthwatering way to gratify your taste buds.

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